Monday, June 30, 2014

I'm back!

Please forgive me for my recent hiatus from the blogging world!  I was home in Florida for a few weeks for my sister's wedding which was an amazing time with family and friends.  Since being back here in Ethiopia in June it has been an extra busy time!  If those excuses aren't sufficient, I'm  also currently recovering from the triple-immuno-defeat of an amoeba, food poisoning, and a head cold :)

Excuses aside, I'm back.  Check out this video (posted on the Water is Life International Facebook page) giving an update from the field in the Borena Zone of Southern Ethiopia.  We have a lot going on with our Sustainable Living Groups and I'm excited to share more about it in the future!  In the mean time, check out the video (forgive me that half the words you can't hear due to the wind), and know that another blog will be coming soon!